Change Log

Version 3.5.0 - Released on 2024-07-17

PDH CKAN Catalogue

  • New topics (thematic areas) for datasets

  • Unique dataset metadata schema

  • Data migration

Version 3.4.2 - Released on 2023-06-09

PDH Portal

  • New dashboards added

  • Linking to PCCOS catalogue

  • Updated NADA to version 5.2.1

Version 3.4.1 - Released on 2023-02-23

PDH Portal

  • Added more dashboards (powerBI based)

  • Improved Maritime Boundaries dashboard

  • Improved stories and news section

  • Better topic pages

  • Sitemaps

PDH CKAN Catalogue

  • CKAN version 2.9.7

  • Better support for geospatial data files

  • New "video" dataset type

  • Added JSON-LD support

  • Fixed organization and group lists

  • Miscellaneous fixes

Version 3.0 - Released on 2022-02-15

PDH Portal

  • New interactive country map

  • Improved page layouts (headers and breadcrumbs)

  • Improved mobile version

  • Page footer fixes

PDH CKAN Catalogue

  • CKAN version 2.9.3

  • Improved search results and suggestions

  • Merged datasets and publications schemas definitions (PDH-DCAT)

    • Metadata field Theme now contains Library of Congress Subject headings

    • Metadata field Countries separated in Countries and Regions fields

  • Fixed packages without topics

  • Fixed broken harvesters

  • Added Citations (DataCite) and Plumx altmetrics support

  • Improved user tour (in-page tutorial)

Last updated